REALTOR® Safety in Everyday Business
REALTOR® Safety in the Southern Adirondacks
Members of Southern Adirondack REALTORS® do business in a huge variety of places: from busy little cities and vacation towns, to rural farmland and some of the most difficult to access wilderness areas on the east coast in the Adirondack Mountains. Because of the diverse geography, an agent may drive through all 4 seasons in a single day of showings! Listings can be multi-million dollar lakeside vacation homes, farms in rural locations, suburban starter homes, or backwoods camps on unpaved roads with no cell service on top of a mountain. Doing business in so many unique locations, especially in a beautiful region that draws millions of visitors each year means lots of out-of-town clients, vacation home buyers and potentially risky situations.
Being safe as a REALTOR® isn’t just about taking a self defense class, it’s about being aware of the risks of your profession and having a plan.
REALTOR® Safety involves humans, animals, weather and more. While it can be a rewarding and enjoyable career, due to frequent travel & contact with strangers, REALTORS® face more on-the-job risks than many other business professionals: traveling alone to vacant properties with strangers, visiting unsafe neighborhoods, inclement weather, or showing a rural, vacant property during evening hours.
Southern Adirondack REALTORS® would like to make their members, especially REALTORS® that are new to the industry, aware of these risks, and share tips and resources to keep yourself, your clients and their belongings safe during the home buying and home selling process.
Other Safety Resources
For Agents and Brokers