Become an SAR Affiliate Member
Already an Affiliate Member?
As a new Affiliate member here are a few steps to take for you to get the most value from your membership!
Bring us your business cards. Our office has display areas exclusively for our Affiliate Business Members. We host meetings, have REALTORS® stopping in to purchase from our in-house supply store and soon to be new licensees coming to take Real Estate tests at our office! Why not get your business in front of their eyes!
Send us your hi-resolution logo. For inclusion in our Affiliate Directory and any future sponsorships (see below), a hi-res logo works best for flyers, banners, and digital ads we create to promote our programs and events. Send your logo to membership@southernadkrealtors.org
Add us to your contact list. To ensure you receive timely Affiliate Newsletters, member updates, networking & event invitations and news flashes be sure to add membership@southernadkrealtors.org to your contacts so our info does not go into your spam.
Check for upcoming events. Registering for events gets you tuned in and networking with our REALTOR® members and other affiliates! Events range from workshops, focus groups, community service and outreach projects to "just for fun" recreational and sporting events! Visit our calendar for a list of events.
Sponsorship of one of our many programs or events. Our REALTORS® know that sponsoring affiliate members make our programs possible. Without Affiliate support from monetary sponsorships, we would not be able to offer all the programs, services and benefits that we do! Sponsorships range from $50 to $2,500 depending on event and sponsor recognition package levels. Calls for sponsorships will be sent throughout the year as events are being planned.
Host an Informational Workshop to Share your Expertise and Knowledge. In addition to Continuing Education which provides credits for member licenses, a professiona development series that offers information on special topics is a monthly program offered to our members. Sessions such as marketing basics, contract pitfalls, insurance updates, and other best practices are very beneficial to our members. If you have an idea for a program you’d like to offer, contact staff at membership@southernadkrealtors.org
Join our Affiliates Committee or another Association Committee. SAR Committees are where the work of the association is completed by volunteer leaders. There are many committees covering several aspects of the organization and all of them are open to REALTORS® and affiliate members. Read more about committees and contact staff if you would like to join.