SAR Committees
Affiliate Committee
Responsible for promoting membership to the professional community. They host periodic networking events and informational roundtables.
Broker Network
The Broker Network will serve as an “ideas incubator” for association programs and initiatives that benefit the entire REALTOR® membership. Association staff will seek feedback from the Broker Network regarding current offerings such as education and member services. The Broker Network will also guide the association in bringing new information and resources to the benefit of all members.
Bylaws and Governance Committee
Professionals. Responsible for reviewing, updating and coordinating all Association governing documents, including but not limited to its Bylaws.
Community Outreach Committee
Responsible for developing programs for SAR participation in consumer awareness about the benefits of and assists consumers in attaining homeownership. Additionally this committee creates programs and events to benefit community, charitable, civic and education programs that enhance the image of the Association and the image of REALTORS® within our community. These programs include but are not limited to: Projects for area homeless shelters, Food Drives for Area Food Banks, Adopt-a- Family Programs, Hole in the Woods Camp Clean Up Day, and Habitat for Humanity Build projects. Under this committee is also the sub-committee of Public Relations
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
The DEI Committee supports Southern Adirondack REALTORS® in its commitment to fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in our association and industry through communication knowledge and encouraging community engagement.
Education Committee
This committee has a role in researching and providing members with in class and on-line continuing education to assist them in staying up with industry technology and standards, plus help them meet continuing education license requirements and Realtor CE requirements.
Government and Legislative Affairs Committee
Monitors local, county and regional issues that affect the real estate industry to help educate the membership and communicates the needs and importance of government issues to members including but not limited to "Calls to Action" by NYSAR and NAR. This committee also seeks out community and civic projects that we may be able to provide grant funds, volunteer or technical assistance with. Projects falling under this program would involve those that improve residential or commercial neighborhoods, improve housing affordability and improve sustainability of housing markets.
Grievance Committee
Reviews requests for arbitration and ethics complaints to determine if a hearing is appropriate.
Member Services Committee
To provide and promote services to benefit members, welcome new members and member orientation, and to solicit input from membership to facilitate the association's Strategic Planning activities to better serve it’s members and the public. This committee has oversight of association services, new member orientation, the REALTOR® team store, scholarship program, and other initiatives.
Professional Standards Committee
Provides trained members to serve on ethics, arbitration or MLS violation hearing panels. Oversees Mediation & Ombudsman Services.
To educate the members on the benefits of a strong REALTORS® Political Action Fund (RPAC), and to create fundraising events and techniques to support RPAC.