REALTOR® Code of Ethics
It is the CODE OF ETHICS that separates REALTORS® from other real estate licensees and Southern Adirondack REALTORS® takes enforcement of the Code very seriously.
The REALTOR® Code of Ethics signifies the decision REALTORS® make to commit themselves to honor and service. Since 1913, the Code has grown in meaningfulness, value, a commitment to integrity and professionalism.
REALTOR® Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
Read the entire Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the National Associaiton of REALTORS®, including Duties to Clients and Customers, Duties to the Public, and Duties to REALTORS®.
Code of Ethics Training for REALTORS®
REALTORS® are required to regularly complete Code of Ethics training in order to remain in good standing with the local, state, and national association. REALTORS® can check their status here.
Local Enforcement of the Code of Ethics
If you feel that a REALTOR® has breached the Code of Ethics as prescribed by the National Association of REALTORS®, Inc., please see below for additional information, forms to file a complaint, and other services that are available to consumers and REALTORS®.
Ombudsman and Mediation
It is the policy of the Southern Adirondack REALTORS® to offer Ombudsman and/or Mediation services prior to commencement of a formal hearing process. There is no fee for Ombudsman or Mediation services. These services are optional but have proven to be both effective and often can result in a more timely outcome.
Even REALTORS® who are committed to high standards of conduct occasionally have honest business disputes with other professionals, clients or customers. Ombudsman or Mediation are the best alternative to expensive, lengthy, and unpredictable litigation.
There is no fee for Ombudsman or Mediation services.
These services are optional but have proven to be effective and often result in a more timely outcome than the formal complaint process.
Use of either Ombudsman or Mediation services as a first step do not rule out the ability to ultimately file a formal complaint if neither is successful.
Our Ombudsman are volunteers, specifically appointed by our association's board of directors. Ombudsman have undergone specialized training and are seasoned professionals in the real estate industry and have also completed and maintained active service on our Professional Standards Committee.
For Ombudsman or Mediation services call to speak directly with the Association Executive/CEO at our association office at 518-798-3425. Regarding mediation, any agreement signed by the parties following a successful mediation process shall be binding.
More information on Mediation and Ombudsman Services:
Professional Standards Hearings
Whether an ethics violation or commission dispute, the professional standards process is confidential and impartial. SAR strives for a amicable resolution to all disputes and takes seriously its authority to enforce the REALTOR® Code of Ethics.
Ethics complaints serve to educate members as well as provide a disciplinary process when violations have occurred. Any person having reason to believe that a member is guilty of any unethical conduct subject to disciplinary action may file a complaint in writing with the Local Board/Association of REALTORS® in which the REALTOR® holds membership.
If you are interested in filing a Code of Ethics or Arbitration Complaint as set forth in the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual of the National Association of REALTORS® here is some additional information that you may want to know before you file an ethics complaint:
Consider the Ombudsman and Mediation Process (see above)
Ethics Complaints, Arbitration Requests, and Related Information