Membership Requirements
To retain your REALTOR® membership you need to:
Pay REALTOR® Dues Annually
Keep your license current
Comply with Code of Ethics - Current Cycle 8 - [2025-2027]
Comply with Fair Housing - Current Cycle 8 - [2025-2027]
New members - Complete mandatory Southern Adirondack REALTORS® orientation within 4 months (120 days) of joining
Requirements for Code of Ethics and Fair Housing
*Failure to satisfy these requirements within 30 days of the date of application (or, alternatively, the date that provisional membership was granted), will result in denial of the membership application or termination of provisional membership*
Code of Ethics – Professional Standards Training
REALTORS® are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2 hours, 30 minutes of instructional time. The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®.
Training may be completed through NAR’s online courses or through another method, such as online or classroom courses via local/state associations.
Check your status and if you are not up-to-date there is a free NAR Code of Ethics, it is Non-CE but Southern Adirondack REALTORS® counts it for the requirement.
At the May 11, 2023, NAR Board of Directors meeting, it was approved that National Association of REALTORS® new-member applicants must now complete two hours of fair housing training and existing members must complete two hours of fair housing training every three years as a condition of REALTOR® membership. The three-year cycle coincides with NAR’s existing Code of Ethics training requirement and begins in 2025.
New Member Fair Housing Orientation
Applicants for REALTOR® membership and provisional REALTOR® members (where applicable) shall complete Fair Housing training of not less than two (2) hours of instructional time. This requirement will be satisfied upon presentation of documentation that the member has completed a course of instruction conducted by this or another REALTOR® association, the State Association of REALTORS®, the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, or the Institutes, Societies, and Councils, which meets the learning objectives and minimum criteria established by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® from time to time. Fair Housing training approved by a state licensing authority for an existing Fair Housing requirement to gain or maintain licensure shall also fulfill this requirement, provided it also meets the learning objectives and minimum criteria established by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® from time to time. This requirement does not apply to applicants for REALTOR® membership or provisional members who have completed comparable orientation in another association, provided that REALTOR® membership has been continuous, or that any break in membership is for one (1) year or less.
Free Option https://www.nar.realtor/fair-housing/fairhaven
Other Paid Options
Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing 3 CE Hours
Tuition: $50 Members - Satisfies DOS NEW "2-hr - Implicit Bias" requirement as well as NAR Fair Housing Requirement
3/19/2025 & 6/18/2025 & 9/10/2025 NYSAR via Zoom
Register via NYSAR https://www.nysar.com/education/nysar-course-schedule/
At Home with Diversity – 6 CE Hours (3 FH, 2 CC)
Tuition: $125.00 – Satisfies NAR Fair Housing Requirement
10/23/2025-10/24/2025 via Zoom
Register Via NYSAR https://www.nysar.com/education/nysar-course-schedule/
Global Multiple Listing Service (MLS) Membership Requirements
Pay your MLS fees annually
New members - Complete mandatory MLS new member orientation within 60 days of joining
Be a member of good standing with Southern Adirondack REALTORS® (SAR)